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Investor Resources

We generate funding for the Farm Credit System by issuing and marketing high-quality debt securities. When you purchase these securities, you become part of the System's mission: supporting rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financially related services, today and tomorrow. 

Your funds become capital that our local branches distribute to agricultural producers, rural homebuyers, infrastructure providers and agribusinesses around the country. Imagine the good this capital can do for a beginning farmer in Alabama. Or a small Iowa community that needs broadband access. Or our nation's food system as it builds resilience to extreme weather events.

It wouldn't be possible without our investors. Together, we are facilitating responsible stewardship and vibrant rural communities.

Valuing Transparency

Transparency is responsible stewardship of information, and it is critical in our role as the Farm Credit System Banks' fiscal and disclosure agent. We provide timely, accurate and complete information about the System, its financials and our debt securities to aid smart investment decisions. Review our Investor Presentation today.

Committed to Stewardship

Learn what responsible stewardship means to the Funding Corporation in environmental, social and governance areas.

Our Corporate Governance

Our cooperative structure bolsters stability and stewardship. Meet our leadership and learn how we're structured.

Meet Farm Credit Customers

Learn how the Farm Credit System serves a variety of families, businesses and communities around the nation.

Investor Resources